Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cainan is fast!

I recently did an outdoor session with little Cainan and his mommy, Amie. They were so much fun and little Cainan was so energetic! I was completely exhausted after chasing him around with my camera for two hours, but we ended up with some really great pictures :) I am already looking forward to working with Amie and Cainan again soon! Thanks guys!

Friday, September 12, 2008

A small break with special people.

I recently had the opportunity to spend a few nights with my best friend, Therese and her boyfriend Jonas. They are from Denmark and due to life's complications we haven't seen each other in 5 years. We had such a great visit and I did a photo session with Therese and Jonas which you'll see soon, but I wanted to share some pictures that were snapped when the camera was turned on me. These photos are all from last week during our visit.

Jonas, Therese, me & Nick
(Nick took this picture with one hand and a VERY heavy camera)
Me and my Therese

Me and my baby lion

Me and my wonderful mom