Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Seeking models for Boudoir Sessions

Chrissy Perkins Photography is accepting applications for free Buodoir (classy, but sexy photos) Sessions. I am looking to build my portfolio of Buodoir samples in which to use on Facebook, Myspace, my blog, and

For samples of quality Buodoir pictures, please visit this photographer's website:

If you are willing to sign a waiver that your photos can be used online and in other promotional marketing, please consider applying for a free session if you meet the following criteria:

-21 years or older
-Very comfortable with your body.
-Can bring at least 3 sets of nice lingerie
-Willing to allow me rights to use your photos as promotional material.

To apply, please send your application to:

Describe your personal style:
Please attach: close up photo & full length photo
Are you willing to sign a waiver to allow your photos to be used as promotional material?

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